All of our videos
Got 5 minutes or an hour free? Take an inspiring break!
Salomon Raydan
I created the bank of the poor
Masaru Emoto
I reveal the secret life of water
We save lovers from death
Sten de Wit
I created the world's first solar cycle path
I change the lives of Africa's poorest farmers
Arnoud Raskin & Ann Van Hellemont
we set up schools in the most unlikely places
Lente Roode
I help cheetahs reproduce
Hervé Thomas & Pierrick Clément
We're marketing an invasive mollusk as a new seafood option
Paul Benoit
I heat your apartment with computing power
Pierfrancesco Maran
I collect your food waste to make compost
Jason Chen
I created a deodorising fabric with coffee grounds
Jeni Saeyang
I offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
Cédric Auriol
Trade your steak for bugs!
Illac Diaz
I bring light slums with our old plastic bottles
Jesús Manuel Aldrete
I make 100% biodegradable chewing gum