All of our videos
Got 5 minutes or an hour free? Take an inspiring break!
Shaktimat Om Mokshananda
Relax on my carpet of nails
Miguel Neiva
I help the colour blind see colours
Barthélémy Dominici
I'm tackling ocean garbage
Andrea Coleman
Our drivers tackle some of Africa's toughest roads to save lives.
Olivier Desmoulin
Come on over, my neighbour’s making dinner
Miguel Luengo
Wipe out malaria with my video game
Dara O'Rourke
My app helps you make responsible consumer choices
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli
I created the first medical Facebook
Nek Chand
I created the world’s largest work of art made from recycled objects
I free the mental ill who have been kept in chains
Josh Nesbit
I save lives with mobile phones
Ogo Maduewesi
I’m fighting Michael Jackson’s disease
Javier De Nicolo
I created the Children’s Republic to keep kids off the streets.
Katherine Freund
I launched the first ride-sharing company for seniors
Stephan Wrage
I invented a sail to power cargo ships