Martine Postma
I created the Repair Café
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Older generations have a hard time understanding our throwaway consumer culture. Industry seems to have no scruples about the planned obsolescence of the things we buy, which keeps us locked in unreasonable levels of consumption. Disgusted by the status quo, Martine Postman created Repair Cafés, where people can bring their broken goods to be repaired by expert geeks–from irons to coffee machines, wireless phones to children’s toys.
Martine PostmaI created the Repair Café
Josh NesbitI save lives with mobile phones
Olivier DesurmontI wash cars without water
Jeni SaeyangI offer in-home refills for my own line of organic products
Eben BayerI grow the packaging of the future
Masaru EmotoI reveal the secret life of water
Olivier CussenotI use dogs to sniff out prostate cancer
Laurent Gachet et Touraya BouabidI opened an arts school for vulnerable children
Shaktimat Om MokshanandaRelax on my carpet of nails
Ernesto GramshMy invention could save your skin
Peggy PascalI pioneered farming in a bag
Anke DomaskeI manufacture fabric out of milk leftovers
Paul MoreyMy radiator is inspired by the sun
Bright SimonsI track fake medication
Thomas GranierI'm building sustainable earthen roofs
Richard ReynoldsI’m a guerrilla gardener
My technology reduces shipping emissions
Awen DelavalI created a fabric from the lotus flower
Nek ChandI created the world’s largest work of art made from recycled objects
Alfredo OliveraMy radio show is run by crazy people