Andreas Heinecke
Wiesbaden - Germany
I turn out the lights to show you another world
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To facilitate the integration of visually impaired into society, this sociologist allows sited people to experience world of the blind in an exhibition called “Dialogue in the Dark”. The encounter naturally brings about a paradigm shift for the participants.
Andreas HeineckeI turn out the lights to show you another world
Eric ScottoI construct photovoltaic greenhouses to combine green energy with organic farming
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
wong Mun SummI doubled green space by building a hotel
Olivier DesurmontI wash cars without water
Soledad Pinero MisaThe toys I recommend for children aren’t made by other children
Guillaume BapstI created a network of solidarity supermarkets
Olivier CussenotI use dogs to sniff out prostate cancer
Benoit PagetI pay you back for recycling
Suzanne LeeI grow my own clothes
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Heath NashI transform milk bottles into designer lighting
Esteban ChornetI fill up my tank with what you throw away
Ogo MaduewesiI’m fighting Michael Jackson’s disease
Un chantier complètement fou !
Christian BoisardI put a stop to stuttering in under three days
Atanase PérifanI created Neighbour Day
Salomon RaydanI created the bank of the poor
Masaki TakaoI make bioethanol from your old clothes
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game